Useful Links

The ACT is an alternative college admissions test. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional Writing test.
Search for colleges or universities of interest to learn what credit may be awarded for AP Test scores.
This site provides 12,000+ authentic, unscripted videos created by current students at hundreds of colleges/universities around the country.
Check out for information on SAT, AP, and PSAT testing as well as search for college programs and major, plan for college, and explore scholarship information.
College Simply Application Deadline Tracker
Use this link to see what Virginia colleges are still accepting applications and when their deadlines are!
Use this link to access and complete the FAFSA, an important step in the financial aid process.
A link to the Virginia Department of Education website. This page provides information on the diploma types and requirements, Verified Credits, and other information to guide students and parents in preparing for graduation.
NKHS has a GRASP advisor who is available to meet with students and parents to help prepare families to finance education after school. Contact the School Counseling Office at 804-966-9675 to set-up an appointment.
Guide to the Post-Completion Wages of Graduates
Report of wage and enrollment outcomes of graduates
This is a helpful website for college planning. Students and parents can explore Virginia colleges, learn about college admissions tests, research financial aid options, learn about college majors, and search for college programs.
This site contains ACT/SAT Practice tests and college planning tips. 
Look up thousands of careers alphabetically!  Learn the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions.
Check out this link daily to practice for the SAT.
The National Center for Fair and Open Testing provides a "Test Score Optional List," a list of schools that do not use SAT or ACT scores for admitting substantial numbers of students into bachelor degree programs. 
College Navigator, a tool of the U.S. Department of Education, allows students to search for colleges by name, location, programs/majors, degrees offered, and institution type.
Information and links to explore all of the community colleges in Virginia.
This resource will help students and parents decide whether colleges of interest are preparing their graduates to succeed after graduation. This free resource focuses on seven key areas of knowledge to help you identify which universities make sure their students learn what they need to know to successfully participate in today's economy.

1-2-3 Go! Virginia's Three Steps to College
is a great resource tool to help students and families plan for the transition to college.

ACT Website
The ACT is an alternative college admissions test. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional Writing test. Students are encouraged to take both the SAT and ACT as part of the college application process.
AP Credit Policy Info
Search for colleges or universities of interest to learn what credit may be awarded for AP Test scores.
Cappex- College and Scholarship Searches
One of the most comprehensive scholarship tools available. Students create a free profile, then discover college scholarships from a variety of sources. is the world's largest single source of merit aid scholarships from colleges for which students can easily apply. Students can be matched to scholarships based on the information provided in their profiles. They can also view the relative competition for each scholarship to understand their chances of receiving an award. YouTube Channel
More than 60 videos, inspirational videos from peers, and advice from current college students
CollegeBoard Website
Check out for information on SAT, AP, and PSAT testing. Students can register for the SAT test, search for college programs and major, plan for college, and explore scholarship information.
Early Action vs. Early Decision
A helpful explanation of Early Action and Early Decision admission options and the benefits to students.
Fastweb: Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans, and Colleges
A helpful resource for scholarship searching and financial planning.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Use this link to access and complete the FAFSA, an important step in the financial aid process.
Graduation Requirements in VA
A link to the Virginia Department of Education website. This page provides information on the diploma types and requirements, Verified Credits, and other information to guide students and parents in preparing for graduation.
GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program
NKHS has a GRASP financial aid counselor who is available to meet with students and parents to help prepare families to finance education after school. Contact the Guidance Office at 804-966-9675 to set-up an appointment.
I Am The One Website
This is an extremely helpful website for college planning. Students and parents can explore Virginia colleges, learn about college admissions tests, research financial aid options, learn about college majors, and search for college programs.
KnowHow Virginia
A helpful career exploration resource
March 2 Success
This site contains ACT/SAT Practice tests and college planning tips. Sponsored by the US Army, this site is designed to help students improve their performance in the areas covered on college admission tests.
NCAA Eligibility Center
For prospective student athletes.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
For hundreds of different types of jobs and careers, the OOH tells you the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions. The OOH also gives you job search tips and information about the job market in each state.
Private Vocational Institutions in VA
A list of all the Private Vocational Institutes that are certified to operate in Virginia.
SAT Question of the Day
Check out this link daily to practice for the SAT.
Student Aid on the Web
In-depth info on federal student aid programs, applying for financial aid, and repaying student loans: Conduct college and scholarship searches, estimate college costs, track and compare financial aid award letters
Test Anxiety Tips
A wide range of test anxiety resources and information
Test Score Optional List
The National Center for Fair and Open Testing provides a "Test Score Optional List," a list of schools that do not use SAT or ACT scores for admitting substantial numbers of students into bachelor degree programs. The colleges and universities listed deemphasize the use of standardized tests by making admissions decisions about applicants who recently graduated from U.S. high schools without using the SAT or ACT.
The College Navigator
College Navigator, a tool of the U.S. Department of Education, allows students to search for colleges by name, location, programs/majors, degrees offered, and institution type. Students can build a list of schools for side-by-side comparisons. Results can be exported and saved.
Top 10 Things Rising Seniors Can Do This Summer
Compiled by the IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Assocation), a helpful list of 10 things all potentially college-bound seniors should do the summer prior to their senior year.
VA Wizard
Complete a career assessment. Use the results of your assessment to explore college programs. Search for colleges and learn about paying for college. All students and parents should plan to use this website for help with career and post-secondary planning.
Virginia Child Protection Newsletter
The Virginia Child Protection Newsletter is a useful resource produced by the Child Protective Services Unit of the VA Department of Social Services. The current issue has helpful information on Preventing Sexual Exploitation via Internet and Technology.
Virginia College Quest
A Guide to College Success for Students with disAbilities
Virginia's Community Colleges
Information and links to explore all of the community colleges in Virginia.
Virginia's Private Colleges
Explore the Private Colleges in Virginia. Learn about the TAG (Tuition Assistance Grant) Program, which provides annual grants to Virginia residents who are full-time students at eligible nonprofit, private colleges in VA.
What Will They Learn: What College Rankings Don't Tell You
This resource will help students and parents decide whether colleges of interest are preparing their graduates to succeed after graduation. This free resource focuses on seven key areas of knowledge to help you identify which universities make sure their students learn what they need to know to successfully participate in today's economy.
ACT Website
The ACT is an alternative college admissions test. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional Writing test. Students are encouraged to take both the SAT and ACT as part of the college application process.
AP Credit Policy Info
Search for colleges or universities of interest to learn what credit may be awarded for AP Test scores.
Cappex- College and Scholarship Searches
One of the most comprehensive scholarship tools available. Students create a free profile, then discover college scholarships from a variety of sources. is the world's largest single source of merit aid scholarships from colleges for which students can easily apply. Students can be matched to scholarships based on the information provided in their profiles. They can also view the relative competition for each scholarship to understand their chances of receiving an award. YouTube Channel
More than 60 videos, inspirational videos from peers, and advice from current college students
CollegeBoard Website
Check out for information on SAT, AP, and PSAT testing. Students can register for the SAT test, search for college programs and major, plan for college, and explore scholarship information.
Early Action vs. Early Decision
A helpful explanation of Early Action and Early Decision admission options and the benefits to students.
Fastweb: Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans, and Colleges
A helpful resource for scholarship searching and financial planning.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Use this link to access and complete the FAFSA, an important step in the financial aid process.
Graduation Requirements in VA
A link to the Virginia Department of Education website. This page provides information on the diploma types and requirements, Verified Credits, and other information to guide students and parents in preparing for graduation.
GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program
NKHS has a GRASP financial aid counselor who is available to meet with students and parents to help prepare families to finance education after school. Contact the Guidance Office at 804-966-9675 to set-up an appointment.
I Am The One Website
This is an extremely helpful website for college planning. Students and parents can explore Virginia colleges, learn about college admissions tests, research financial aid options, learn about college majors, and search for college programs.
KnowHow Virginia
A helpful career exploration resource
March 2 Success
This site contains ACT/SAT Practice tests and college planning tips. Sponsored by the US Army, this site is designed to help students improve their performance in the areas covered on college admission tests.
NCAA Eligibility Center
For prospective student athletes.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
For hundreds of different types of jobs and careers, the OOH tells you the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions. The OOH also gives you job search tips and information about the job market in each state.
Private Vocational Institutions in VA
A list of all the Private Vocational Institutes that are certified to operate in Virginia.
SAT Question of the Day
Check out this link daily to practice for the SAT.
Student Aid on the Web
In-depth info on federal student aid programs, applying for financial aid, and repaying student loans: Conduct college and scholarship searches, estimate college costs, track and compare financial aid award letters
Test Anxiety Tips
A wide range of test anxiety resources and information
Test Score Optional List
The National Center for Fair and Open Testing provides a "Test Score Optional List," a list of schools that do not use SAT or ACT scores for admitting substantial numbers of students into bachelor degree programs. The colleges and universities listed deemphasize the use of standardized tests by making admissions decisions about applicants who recently graduated from U.S. high schools without using the SAT or ACT.
The College Navigator
College Navigator, a tool of the U.S. Department of Education, allows students to search for colleges by name, location, programs/majors, degrees offered, and institution type. Students can build a list of schools for side-by-side comparisons. Results can be exported and saved.
Top 10 Things Rising Seniors Can Do This Summer
Compiled by the IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Assocation), a helpful list of 10 things all potentially college-bound seniors should do the summer prior to their senior year.
VA Wizard
Complete a career assessment. Use the results of your assessment to explore college programs. Search for colleges and learn about paying for college. All students and parents should plan to use this website for help with career and post-secondary planning.
Virginia Child Protection Newsletter
The Virginia Child Protection Newsletter is a useful resource produced by the Child Protective Services Unit of the VA Department of Social Services. The current issue has helpful information on Preventing Sexual Exploitation via Internet and Technology.
Virginia College Quest
A Guide to College Success for Students with disAbilities
Virginia's Community Colleges
Information and links to explore all of the community colleges in Virginia.
Virginia's Private Colleges
Explore the Private Colleges in Virginia. Learn about the TAG (Tuition Assistance Grant) Program, which provides annual grants to Virginia residents who are full-time students at eligible nonprofit, private colleges in VA.
What Will They Learn: What College Rankings Don't Tell You
This resource will help students and parents decide whether colleges of interest are preparing their graduates to succeed after graduation. This free resource focuses on seven key areas of knowledge to help you identify which universities make sure their students learn what they need to know to successfully participate in today's economy.
ACT Website
The ACT is an alternative college admissions test. The multiple-choice tests cover four skill areas: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional Writing test. Students are encouraged to take both the SAT and ACT as part of the college application process.
AP Credit Policy Info
Search for colleges or universities of interest to learn what credit may be awarded for AP Test scores.
Cappex- College and Scholarship Searches
One of the most comprehensive scholarship tools available. Students create a free profile, then discover college scholarships from a variety of sources. is the world's largest single source of merit aid scholarships from colleges for which students can easily apply. Students can be matched to scholarships based on the information provided in their profiles. They can also view the relative competition for each scholarship to understand their chances of receiving an award. YouTube Channel
More than 60 videos, inspirational videos from peers, and advice from current college students
CollegeBoard Website
Check out for information on SAT, AP, and PSAT testing. Students can register for the SAT test, search for college programs and major, plan for college, and explore scholarship information.
Early Action vs. Early Decision
A helpful explanation of Early Action and Early Decision admission options and the benefits to students.
Fastweb: Scholarships, Financial Aid, Student Loans, and Colleges
A helpful resource for scholarship searching and financial planning.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Use this link to access and complete the FAFSA, an important step in the financial aid process.
Graduation Requirements in VA
A link to the Virginia Department of Education website. This page provides information on the diploma types and requirements, Verified Credits, and other information to guide students and parents in preparing for graduation.
GReat Aspirations Scholarship Program
NKHS has a GRASP financial aid counselor who is available to meet with students and parents to help prepare families to finance education after school. Contact the Guidance Office at 804-966-9675 to set-up an appointment.
I Am The One Website
This is an extremely helpful website for college planning. Students and parents can explore Virginia colleges, learn about college admissions tests, research financial aid options, learn about college majors, and search for college programs.
KnowHow Virginia
A helpful career exploration resource
March 2 Success
This site contains ACT/SAT Practice tests and college planning tips. Sponsored by the US Army, this site is designed to help students improve their performance in the areas covered on college admission tests.
NCAA Eligibility Center
For prospective student athletes.
Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH)
For hundreds of different types of jobs and careers, the OOH tells you the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions. The OOH also gives you job search tips and information about the job market in each state.
Private Vocational Institutions in VA
A list of all the Private Vocational Institutes that are certified to operate in Virginia.
SAT Question of the Day
Check out this link daily to practice for the SAT.
Student Aid on the Web
In-depth info on federal student aid programs, applying for financial aid, and repaying student loans: Conduct college and scholarship searches, estimate college costs, track and compare financial aid award letters
Test Anxiety Tips
A wide range of test anxiety resources and information
Test Score Optional List
The National Center for Fair and Open Testing provides a "Test Score Optional List," a list of schools that do not use SAT or ACT scores for admitting substantial numbers of students into bachelor degree programs. The colleges and universities listed deemphasize the use of standardized tests by making admissions decisions about applicants who recently graduated from U.S. high schools without using the SAT or ACT.
The College Navigator
College Navigator, a tool of the U.S. Department of Education, allows students to search for colleges by name, location, programs/majors, degrees offered, and institution type. Students can build a list of schools for side-by-side comparisons. Results can be exported and saved.
Top 10 Things Rising Seniors Can Do This Summer
Compiled by the IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Assocation), a helpful list of 10 things all potentially college-bound seniors should do the summer prior to their senior year.
VA Wizard
Complete a career assessment. Use the results of your assessment to explore college programs. Search for colleges and learn about paying for college. All students and parents should plan to use this website for help with career and post-secondary planning.
Virginia Child Protection Newsletter
The Virginia Child Protection Newsletter is a useful resource produced by the Child Protective Services Unit of the VA Department of Social Services. The current issue has helpful information on Preventing Sexual Exploitation via Internet and Technology.
Virginia College Quest
A Guide to College Success for Students with disAbilities
Virginia's Community Colleges
Information and links to explore all of the community colleges in Virginia.
Virginia's Private Colleges
Explore the Private Colleges in Virginia. Learn about the TAG (Tuition Assistance Grant) Program, which provides annual grants to Virginia residents who are full-time students at eligible nonprofit, private colleges in VA.
What Will They Learn: What College Rankings Don't Tell You
This resource will help students and parents decide whether colleges of interest are preparing their graduates to succeed after graduation. This free resource focuses on seven key areas of knowledge to help you identify which universities make sure their students learn what they need to know to successfully participate in today's economy.