Chesapeake Bay Governor's School

The Chesapeake Bay Governor's School is a half-day program that serves students in grades 10, 11, and 12.  Ninth grade students who are enrolled in New Kent High School and who meet the minimum admission criteria are eligible to apply.  New Kent students who are accepted attend CBGS at the Rappahannock Community College - Glenns campus.

Applications are available every year in December and are due by the end of January.  Any student wishing to apply is advised to enroll for Geometry, Algebra 2, and Biology, if possible, during freshman year.  For information regarding CBGS and the program offered you may visit their website at

For information regarding admissions and the application process, please email Ms. Ahlfield at [email protected] or call 966-9693. 

Applications can be found here: 
CBGS Application for 24-25