
Information for Freshman

* Meet with your school counselor to discuss your career and college goals, and talk about your four-year high school plan.
* Get Involved! Join clubs or athletic teams here at the school. Volunteer in the community. Take advantage of the opportunities provided to you; they look great on any type of application you fill out.
* Keep track of all you do in high school starting this year. Start a resume that includes: sports, activities, work and volunteer opportunities, leadership roles.  The resume is a great tool you can use when seeking letters of recommendation. Teachers often ask for a resume or list of your high school involvement to aid in writing the letter.
* Start self exploration by going to: and  These websites include assessments that allow you to investigate your interests.
* Grades are important! This is your first year at the high school so it is important to keep in mind that your grades from freshman year until the end of your senior year will affect your overall high school grade point average (GPA).  Every year you are in high school your grades are recorded on an academic transcript that will be sent to the colleges you apply to your senior year.

Consider Taking the PSAT:

If you are accelerated in math and want to strive to be eligible to take college credit, dual enrollment math in 10th grade, be sure to register to take the PSAT.  It is only given one time a year and you can sign up in the School Counseling Office no later than mid-September of each year.  The PSAT is a practice SAT and gives you a chance to become familiar with the kinds of questions and the exact directions you will see on the SAT.

Carefully Plan Your Experiences and Classes to Explore Careers:
Plan to use your summer wisely. Anything that you do extra during the summer months looks good on both job applications and college applications. Investigate different work, volunteer, and summer courses available for you through your school counselor.

Start thinking about several career paths that you are interested in. Also, see how much education is required for each career and begin researching which colleges in the area offer the intended major for your intended career.  School  counselors meet one-on-one with each freshman to develop an Academic & Careers Plan. Parents may request a meeting at any time to review this plan and/or to simply ask questions.

When signing up for classes for your sophomore year, make sure to take challenging courses in your core academic subjects. Also, make sure you are signing up for classes that will help you meet your graduation requirements.

Please do not hesitate to contact your counselor should questions arise as you prepare for your post high school plans. We can answer questions about what classes to take in high school, how to sign up for standardized tests, how to finance your education after high school, and much more.

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Be sure to follow us on Twitter. @NKHSCounseling to get updates on scholarships and other vital activities.

Who's Your Counselor?
Last Names
A-E Liz Ahlfield [email protected]
F-Ma Rita Richardson [email protected]
Mc-Sn Jennifer Dwiggins [email protected]

So-Z Pam Nixon [email protected]