The Career and Technical Education Departments goal is to provide Workforce Preparation and Vocational Training and resources that will promote high scholastic achievement while preparing students for a successful career.
New Kent County Public School's Workforce Preparation and Vocational Training programs are developed and implemented under the Career and Technical Education Department. This department is responsible for servicing secondary Workforce Preparation and Vocational Training programs for grades 9-12.
Course Offerings:
Business and Industry Technology
Computer Information Systems
Computer Applications
Advanced Computer Information Systems
Business Law
Business Management
Economics and Personal Finance (Graduation Requirement )
Principles of Business and Marketing
Family and Consumer Sciences
Introduction to Culinary Arts
Culinary Arts I & II
Technology Education
Technology Foundations Electronics Technology I & II
Technical Drawing/Design
Architectural Drawing/Design
Engineering Drawing/Design
TV/Media Production I & II
Agricultural Education
The following National Certifications can be earned by students who pass the appropriate certification test:
Business and Industry Technology Career Path:
Virginia Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth
W!SE Financial Literacy
Microsoft Office WORD
Microsoft Office EXCEL
Microsoft Office POWERPOINT
Family and Consumer Sciences Career Path:
Virginia Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth
Broadfield Family & Consumer Sciences
Culinary Arts:
Serv Safe
Technology Education:
Virginia Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth
Technical Drawing and Design:
Autodesk Application
Autodesk Certified User
Engineering Drawing and Design:
Autodesk Application
Autodesk Certified User
Architectural Drawing and Design:
ADDA Architectural Drafting
ADDA Architectural Drafting Apprentice
ADDA Mechanical Drafting
ADDA Mechanical Drafting Apprentice
Architectural Drafting (NOCTI)
Architectural Drafting (SkillsUSA)
Autodesk Application
Autodesk Certified User
Electronics Systems I and II
Electronics Technology (NOCTI)
Electronics Application & Technology Examination (SkillsUSA)
The following student organizations are an integral part of the CTE Program:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
Marketing Education (DECA)
Technology Student Association (TSA)
Department Members:
Daphne Eubank (Chair)
John Aughenbaugh
Thomas Billard
Morgan Gresham
David Haviland
Beth Manz
Ellen Mara
Zachary McDonald
Aimee Walters