
Information for Seniors:

Congratulations! You have made it to your final year of high school.  But, the work is not done! Your counselor will meet with you to discuss post high school transition plans, but you can seek your counselor out as often as needed through the year.  Also, turn in your Legal Name Form to insure that your name is properly listed on your diploma!

Transcript Request Process:
We use Parchment, a free electronic transcript request fulfillment service.  All seniors will be coached on setting up an account and how to request using Parchment.  Please note that no teacher recommendations will be sent by school counselors. It will be the student's responsibility to request, collect and send those to colleges.  However, most colleges and universities use their own electronic submission process for recommendations.

College Bound Students:

Register for SAT/ACT tests
* It is recommended that seniors take the SAT/ACT at least one time. If you wait until fall of senior year you may put pressure on yourself in meeting deadlines if you choose to re-take it.  

Apply to college(s) of your choice
* As you complete each application, notify your counselor so that an official transcript can be sent.

Athletes - Planning to play college sports?
* Review NCAA requirements. 
* Please check out this link to the NCAA Eligibility Center to register to see if you qualify for college athletics (requires a fee)
* Be sure to have all official SAT or ACT scores sent to NCAA. You can choose them to receive scores at the time you register for the SAT (

* Visit the Scholarship Center in the School Counseling Office regularly, to investigate scholarship offers.  Remember that we receive information on a number of scholarships. However, there are many scholarships available that we do not receive. Investigate your parent’s place of employment, church, local agencies, etc. 

Financial Aid:
* Schedule an appointment with Mrs. Williams our GRASP (Great Aspirations Scholarship Program) representative who serves as a financial aid counselor. She comes twice a month and provides a wealth of information regarding financial assistance. A sign-up sheet is on the white board in the School Counseling Office. She comes the first and third Tuesday of the month.
* Attend the Financial Aid Workshop – to be held at the high school during the month of October.
* Complete your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)-this is required and recommended to be submitted by February of your senior year for you to be considered for federal and state grants and loans.  This will assist colleges with preparing your financial aid package. All students attending a 2 or 4 year school should complete this application, but many trade and technical schools also may take the FAFSA.  You can submit a FAFSA as early as Oct. 1 now!  Priority submission deadlines for college are generally around March 1. See the Opportunities Guides for a list of schools and their preferred deadline

Acceptance Information:
* Notify your counselor once you have decided where you will attend college.  We must keep a list of the school each student will be attending in order to send out a final transcript.

Other Resources:
Check out the Document Manager tab for resources about Virginia colleges.

Military Bound Students:
* Finalize your decision as to which branch of the military you plan to enlist with.
* Contact and form a relationship with a recruiter.
* You will need to work with your recruiter to complete items such as the ASVAB test (which is given each spring here at NKHS).  Recruiters often transition, so come by the office to learn who the recruiter is for the branch you are interested in and when/if the recruiter will be at lunches soon.

Work Bound Students:
Investigate your place of employment.
* Is there room for growth?
* Are you working to move up in the company, save for college or trade school, help support your family, etc?
* Investigate what changes will take place if you continue to live at home, move out on your own, etc.
* Be familiar with all expenses involved.
* Create a resume and cover letter.  See your counselor if you need assistance. 

Follow Us On Twitter!
Be sure to follow us on Twitter. @NKHSCounseling to get updates on scholarships and other vital activities.

Please do not hesitate to contact your counselor should questions arise as you prepare for your post high school plans.

A-E Liz Ahlfield [email protected]
F-Ma Rita Richardson [email protected]
Mc-Sn Jennifer Dwiggins [email protected]

So-Z Pam Nixon [email protected]