"On the Map and On the Move"

Mission Statement
The New Kent High School Parent Teacher Student Organization will work to enhance the education of young people by promoting the connection between home, school, and the community.  We will work to help create a safe, nurturing, and developmentally responsive environment that will allow all students to reach their full potential.

Membership Information:
The New Kent High School PTSO invites you to become a member for this school year.  Your membership and active involvement is essential to the success of the PTSO, our sponsored events and programs that benefit all students at New Kent High School.   In order to join, please complete the Membership Form and submit the form and check to the school in an envelope marked "PTSO membership".

President- Tracie Stewart
                                [email protected]
Vice President- (Vacant)

Treasurer- Eve Alfonso
[email protected]
Secretary- (Vacant)

Student Ambassador- Jovany Velazquez
                                ([email protected])
Teacher Appreciation- Heather Donbrosky [email protected]

Membership- Vacant 
Volunteer- Vacant 

Hospitality- Vacant                       
Fundraising- Vacant

Prom- Vacant
The PTSO meets once every 1-2 months, with day and times varying to accommodate schedules of our active board.   Scheduled Meetings will be posted soon. All meetings are held in the NKHS Media Center @ 6pm.  We would love to have your participation in meetings or at events.  Please contact any of of the officers to receive information about our meetings and volunteer opportunities.

PTSO Facebook Page  NKHS PTSO Smile Link